The renew exhibition “Francesco Morosini 1619-1694, a Venetian life, documentary exhibition” is an initiative concerning the celebration of the 400 years of the “Capitano da Mar” (sea captain) Francesco Morosini, who was a great leader and doge of The Republic of Venice “La Serenissima”

Tostapane Studio has given a new shape of the exhibition commissioned by the Archivio di Stato di Venezia inside the French powder magazine of Forte Marghera.
The exhibition, in fact, arises from the previous installation inside the Archive spaces, and is renewed inside the powder magazine.

Free entrance

23 novembre 2019 > 6 gennaio 2020; 20 febbraio 2020 > 10 aprile 2020

Opening hours for public:
From Thursday to Sunday
from 11 a.m to 4 p.m.